Monday, September 19, 2016


There are thousands of people around you, you find hundred more everyday; talk or interact with fifty new characters some other day. It is really not possible to know each and every one of them, but you are one. Are you really one? Today, this world exists because of prejudice and so most people intentionally or unintentionally prove that. No, you are not one; you are equal to the number of people who notice you every day, now you will try to create an equation of your amount by putting limits and continuity. Every pair of eye which notices you is controlled by a brain which has a unique sense of prejudice and that prejudice creates a different character of you and hence you are not one.
You are travelling on a bus, you are carrying your bag as you always do and people who create different forms of you notice you mostly because of your dress, your hair and your bag. One day you hit a man with your bag, the man looks at you with disgust as if the hit was intentional. Now he was one of the thousands of people who are around you, yet he thought that the hit was intentional. When do you actually hit a person? You hit a person, either when you are really angry on someone or when you have known that person for years; but he was none of them. Still he thought that the hit was intentional as he had prejudged you, he had predetermined or he had calculated an image of you after the hit, with the help of his prejudice.
Do your friends know you, or do you know your friends? All of us judge each other by the faces and faces are not always real. You behave nicely with some, badly with a few and do not behave at all with some and respective images and impressions are created and hence you are different for different kinds of friends, yet you call them friends or family, just because you know their names and place they come from or the virtual knot that exists. If you have not yet known yourself, how can you afford to know someone else? Do you know yourself? Who are you?


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Long time no see!

Well, to be honest, I was almost gone for-ever. I am beginning to gather all the remaining strength that I have and I am discovering the new...